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Skills Coaching

Anything that can be learned can be unlearned.  Knowing what you want to learn instead, is important.  Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where we are ready to approach change from a broader perspective - be more self-confident in life or live fearlessly. Transforming your life can be easier when you learn a set of Skills that allow you to feel grounded enough to keep going - no matter what.


I have developed these Skills for Living a Resilient Life that allow you to do just that.  In addition, I offer programs, described below, to allow you to soar into breakthroughs with structure and feedback. 



Skills for Living a Resilient Life



Skill #1 – Communicating Clearly and Powerfully with Yourself


  • Rewiring Your Brain with Conscious Intent

  • Mindfulness

  • The Languages of the Conscious and Unconscious Minds

  • Discovering Your Authentic Self


Skill #2 – Clearing the Physical Sensations of Negative Feelings


  • Creating a Safe Place Inside to Change

  • Understanding Pain and Fear

  • Negative Inner Dialog and Other Protective Strategies

  • Training the Conscious Mind


Skill #3 – Connecting with Your Own Inner Resources - Anytime, Anywhere


  • The Organizing Power of Beliefs

  • Attributes of Your Authentic Self

  • Recognizing the Versatility of Inner Resources

  • Anchoring


Skill #4 – Centering - Being Who-You-Really-Are


  • Feeling the Presence of Yourself

  • Conscious Choice

  • Letting Go

  • Acceptance



One-Day Intensive Program


Full-day individualized integrated hypnosis and coaching program.  I customize your program, so you learn the Skills in the context of whatever is challenging you right now.  This program includes a step-by-step Inspired Goal Setting plan resulting in a customized statement of what you want and why you want it.  


  • The date is whatever works for us both, and can take place either at my office or your home.  A specific program requires at least three weeks to personalize and prepare. That said, if your situation is more urgent, we can discuss modifications to that timeframe.


  • Investment: $1,250.00



Six-Week Breakthrough Program


A 6-week program that includes one-on-one sessions and group sessions (a total of 18 hours in session).

  • Individual sessions use the context of whatever is challenging you right now and include Inspired Goal Setting sessions in weeks 1 and 3 so that you have the opportunity to work two 3 week challenges during the course of the program.  


  • The group sessions are structured to practice the Skills in ways that allow everyone to benefit from witnessing how it works for others as well - this creates a synergy of creativity in how to use our own metaphors in powerful new ways.  


  • The next program starts this spring.  If you’d like to learn how to systematically create your breakthrough, please call 720-236-1101 to reserve your spot.


© 2018 by Sandra Menezes

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